Iboga (Tabernanthe Iboga) Wurzelrinde, gemahlen, Iboga rootbark
39,90 € – 320,90 €
Herkunftsland: Ghana/Afrika
Ernte: 2022
Hinweis: Räucherwerk! Traditionelle Verwendung in Süd-Afrika als Stimulanz, Aphrodisiakum o.ä. in kleinen Dosen – in größeren Dosen als Initiationsmittel oder im Schamanismus zur Einleitung von Visionen, etc.!
Sie können zwischen 5, 10, 50 und 100g wählen. Fein gemahlen. Größere Mengen auf Anfrage!
Beschreibung des Herstellers/Produzenten:
The core element of all Iboga traditions is a controlled near-death experience of several days duration. Initiation into the world of the ancestors and spirits through the ingestion of large amounts of Tabernanthe iboga root bark marks the rite of passage into adulthood. The child dies and is reborn as an adult and fully-fledged member of the group. A widespread name for these traditions is Bwiti.
Although Gabon is the centre of Bwiti, Iboga is also found in Cameroon and other Western Equatorial African Countries. There are diverse branches of Bwiti, which, besides ethnic differences, also feature differing spiritual fundaments. All of these branches, however, share the use of Iboga as an initiatory sacrament. Bwiti traditions can be found amongst strongly animist-oriented groups located deep in the jungle, only marginally influenced by Western colonialism. However, the more densely populated areas also show syncretic forms of Bwiti, in which parts of the Christian religion are incorporated.
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Gewicht | 5, 10, 50, 100 |
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