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GardenShaman.eu BLOG What is Kundalini Energy, Enlightenment, Chakras

Discover the power of Kundalini energy: A comprehensive guide

  1. The role of Kundalini energy in yoga
  2. Basic practices and techniques
  3. The best exercises for awakening Kundalini energy
  4. The seven chakras and their meaning
  5. Health benefits of Kundalini Yoga
  6. Kundalini yoga for beginners: tips and recommendations

Kundalini yoga is a dynamic form of yoga that includes chants, breathing exercises (pranayama), Meditation and postures (asanas) are combined to release blockages and allow energy to flow freely [1]. The practice is characterized by the awakening of the Kundalini energy, the life energy located at the base of the spine, which creates an energetic connection between the chakras of the body [1][2]. It is a spiritual journey to oneself and to a higher consciousness that is suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions, as it avoids strenuous exercise [1][5].

This comprehensive guide introduces you to the basics of Kundalini Yoga and shows you the best exercises to activate the Kundalini energy and understand the seven chakras [5]. You will learn how this ancient practice, which Yogi Bhajan brought to the West in the 1960s, not only strengthens your physical health, but also creates a deeper meditation, love and a higher consciousness [6][8].

1. the role of Kundalini energy in yoga

Kundalini yoga promotes inner peace, the release of stressful thoughts and improved physical health through dynamic exercises, stretching exercises and organ-specific kriyas [1]. This practice aims to awaken the Kundalini energy, a dormant force that sits at the base of the spine [3]. Awakening this energy through various techniques, including mantras, meditation, pranayama and asanas, leads to higher consciousness, spiritual growth and a deep connection with one's self [3].

  • Techniques for awakening the Kundalini energy:
    1. Mantras: Verbal vibrations that expand consciousness [3].
    2. Meditation: Focuses the mind and promotes inner peace [3].
    3. PranayamaBreathing exercises that help to harmonize and direct the energy in the body [3].
    4. AsanasPostures that strengthen the physical and energetic structure of the body [3].

Kundalini is often depicted as a sleeping serpent coiled under the root chakra, waiting to awaken to the Enlightenment waits [7]. When it awakens, it rises from the base of the spine through the central spinal cord, activating and cleansing the chakras on its way [14]. The ultimate goal is for this energy to rise through the seven chakras, which can lead to enlightenment and other extraordinary states of consciousness [2]. The chakras are also seen as a spiritual system in yoga philosophy, with the Kundalini energy rising from the first chakra at the base of the spine to the seventh chakra at the crown of the head [16].

2. basic practices and techniques

Kundalini Yoga combines various practices and techniques to activate and harmonize the energetic systems of the body. Here is an overview of the basic techniques used in the practice of Kundalini Yoga:

  • Hatha YogaPrepares the body through physical exercises for the awakening of Kundalini energy by stimulating specific energy centers and balancing the body's energy system [3].
  • Mantra YogaMantra: Uses sacred words or phrases to activate the Kundalini energy and strengthen the practice. A central mantra in Kundalini Yoga is "Sat Nam" or its variation "Sa-Ta-Na-Ma", which symbolizes birth-life-death-rebirth [2].
  • Nada Yoga: Focuses on sound and music to connect to the inner self and the divine [3].

In addition to these techniques, Kundalini Yoga combines specific breathing exercises (pranayama), postures (asanas) and meditation techniques to direct the movement of energy in the body:

  • Pranayama breathing exercisesLike the Breath of Fire (Kapalabhati), which prepares the mind for meditation and helps to release Kundalini energy [2].
  • Bandhas (energy locks)Prevent prana from escaping and direct the energy in a targeted manner. [2].
  • Mudras (hand gestures)Are used to control the flow of energy and strengthen the practice [2].

A typical Kundalini Yoga class lasts about 90 minutes and includes a sequence of attunement, warm-up exercises, a series of exercises (Kriya), deep relaxation, final meditation and ends with the triple chanting of "Sat Nam" [1]. This structured approach helps to systematically cleanse and strengthen the chakras and prepares the body and mind for the awakening of Kundalini energy [7].

3. the best exercises for awakening Kundalini energy

To awaken the Kundalini energy, you can start with some simple exercises and meditation techniques that are especially suitable for beginners. These practices will help you to gain initial access to your inner life energy and experience it more consciously. Here are some basic techniques that you can integrate into your daily practice:

  1. Breathing exercises (pranayama)The key to awakening Kundalini energy lies in controlling and regulating your breath. A simple starting point is alternate breathing (Anulom Vilom), where you breathe alternately through each nostril. This technique helps to calm your mind and prepare your body for deeper meditation [2].
  2. Asanas (yoga poses)Certain yoga poses are particularly effective in awakening the Kundalini energy. Hold these poses for longer periods of time to stimulate the energy centers of your body and harmonize the energy flows. One example is the cobra pose (Bhujangasana), which activates the sacral chakra and strengthens the spine, a central channel for Kundalini energy [2].
  3. Mantra meditationSat Nam meditation is a powerful technique to strengthen the connection to your inner truth and energy. Repeat the mantra "Sat Nam" (true is my name) silently in your mind or out loud as you meditate. This practice helps to focus your mind and create a deeper spiritual connection [2].

By practicing these basic exercises regularly, you can gradually discover and activate the deeper layers of your Kundalini energy. It is important to be patient with yourself and see the process as a journey in which you learn more about yourself and your inner power.

4 The seven chakras and their meaning

In the tradition of Kundalini Yoga, the seven main chakras play a central role in physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Each chakra is associated with specific aspects of being and has a unique meaning and function [3][19].

  • Muladhara (root chakra):
    • Color: Red
    • Element: Earth
    • MeaningBasis for physical vitality, safety, survival instinct [20][21].
  • Svadisthana (sacral chakra):
    • ColorOrange
    • Element: Water
    • MeaningCenter for Creativity, Sexuality and Emotions [20][21].
  • Manipura (solar plexus chakra):
    • ColorYellow
    • Element: Fire
    • Meaning: Personal power, self-esteem and willpower [20][21].
  • Anahata (heart chakra):
    • ColorGreen
    • Element: Air
    • Meaning: Love, compassion and emotional balance [20][21].
  • Vishuddha (throat chakra):
    • Color: Blue
    • ElementEther
    • MeaningCommunication, self-expression and truth [20][21].
  • Ajna (forehead chakra, third eye):
    • ColorIndigo
    • Element: Light
    • MeaningIntuition, perception and wisdom [20][21].
  • Sahasrara (crown chakra):
    • Color: Violet or white
    • Element: Cosmic energy
    • MeaningSpiritual connection, enlightenment and unity with the universe [20][21].

Blockages in one or more chakras can be caused by negative experiencestrauma or unhealthy lifestyle choices arise and lead to physical, emotional or mental imbalances [19]. The chakras serve as connection points between the physical body and the astral body (energy body) and are visualized as funnel-shaped structures that extend several centimetres beyond the surface of the body [19]. The focus on the Sahasrara chakra during meditation can help to open up to divine grace and blessing [17].

5. health benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga offers a variety of health benefits that affect both the mind and the body. Here are some of the most important benefits you can experience through regular practice:

  • Mental and emotional health:
    1. Increasing mental abilitiesKundalini Yoga promotes the expansion of mental horizons and improves cognitive flexibility [22].
    2. Emotional balanceThe practice can reduce emotional fluctuations and achieve a state of inner calm. This is particularly helpful for people suffering from stress and anxiety [22][5].
    3. Self-care and true potentialKundalini Yoga supports you in strengthening your self-care routine and recognizing and developing your true potential [22].
  • Physical health:
    1. Support for disease processesThe practice has been shown to be helpful in the recovery process of certain illnesses, such as Lyme disease. An eight-week practice can alleviate secondary symptoms and improve overall well-being [18].
    2. Strengthening and flexibilityRegular exercise leads to a healthy and flexible spine, increased strength and flexibility throughout the body and improved muscles, joints and fasciae [22].
    3. Posture and body awarenessKundalini Yoga helps to correct postures and promotes a deeper awareness of one's own body [22].
  • Spiritual and psychological benefits:
    1. Inner peace and connectednessThe practice leads to a deep sense of calm and a strong connection with oneself and the environment [7].
    2. Increased awareness and hidden potentialKundalini Yoga helps to expand consciousness and access previously undiscovered personal resources and abilities [9].

These benefits make it clear that Kundalini Yoga is far more than just a form of physical exercise. It is a holistic practice that brings body, mind and soul into harmony and leads to a more comprehensive understanding of the self and an improved quality of life.

6. kundalini yoga for beginners: tips and recommendations

For beginners to Kundalini Yoga, getting started with this practice can seem overwhelming at first, but with some basic tips and recommendations, the process becomes more accessible and rewarding. Here are some essential guidelines to help you begin your journey:

  • Regular practiceTo progress in Kundalini Yoga, a regular practice is essential. The best times to practice are early in the morning and late in the evening, when the world around you is calmer and you can focus more easily on your inner experience [11].
  • Explore kriyas and mantras:
    • KriyasKundalini yoga workouts, known as kriyas, include postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana). These elements are often combined with specific hand positions (mudras), word repetitions (mantras) and energy locks (bandhas). The focus of the kriyas is always on cleansing the energy centers (chakras) of the body [8].
    • MantrasA central element of Kundalini Yoga are the mantras, especially 'Sat Nam', which play a significant role. These word repetitions help to strengthen the connection to your inner truth and energy and to focus the mind [2][6].
  • Spiritual orientationIt is important to understand that Kundalini Yoga is not focused on fitness, but on the spiritual aspect. This practice connects heaven and earth and aims to release energy in the body through various physical and meditative practices with the ultimate goal of awakening the true self or 'Sat Nam' [2][7][10].

For beginners, it is also advisable to be guided by experienced teachers such as Gurmukh Kaur Kalsa, who has taught stars such as Madonna and Cindy Crawford [6]. Their guidance can provide valuable insight and inspiration to deepen your practice and experience the many benefits of Kundalini Yoga.

Further questions and answers about Kundalini

How can you activate the Kundalini energy?
The activation of Kundalini energy can be achieved through various spiritual practices. These include yoga, meditation, cleansing prayers, breathing exercises and the recitation of mantras.

What is Kundalini energy?
Kundalini energy is considered to be the closest force to physical matter in the human being. It can be awakened through yogic techniques and then rises, breaking through the seven main energy centers, also known as chakras.

What happens when the Kundalini energy awakens?
An awakening of the Kundalini energy leads to experiencing higher levels of existence. The senses begin to perceive higher worlds, often described as divine, which can be characterized by extraordinary light phenomena.

What does science say about Kundalini energy?
From a scientific perspective, there is evidence of the positive effects of Kundalini yoga and meditation. Many people experience an improved sense of well-being through regular practice, for example after a yoga kriya or deep breathing exercises.

Further links and book recommendations

  • https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kundalini
  • https://www.anahana.com/de/wellbeing-blog/yoga/kundalini-energy
  • https://yogainternational.com/article/view/what-is-kundalini/
  • https://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/yoga-articles-yoga/kundalini-yoga-beneficial-or-dangerous/
  • Kundalini Yoga - Anand Kaur Seitz (Book)


The secret of Kundalini awakening (German)
Sadhguru - The Truth of Kundalini Awakening (English)


[1] – https://www.fitforfun.de/gesundheit/kundalini-yoga-kraft-und-weisheit-verbinden_aid_13567.html
[2] – https://www.lotuscrafts.com/blogs/blog/kundalini-yoga
[3] – https://shop.backlaxx.com/blogs/yoga/kundalini-yoga
[4] – https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Kundalini-Yoga_Grundpraktiken
[5] – https://praxistipps.focus.de/kundalini-yoga-infos-und-tipps-fuer-anfaenger_108992
[6] – https://www.regenbogenkreis.de/blog/gesundheit-und-ernaehrung/kundalini-yoga-wecke-die-energie-in-dir
[7] – https://www.einfachganzleben.de/meditation-achtsamkeit/kundalini-yoga-uebungen
[8] – https://ognx.com/blogs/journal/mit-kundalini-yoga-zum-inneren-gleichgewicht-finden
[9] – https://www.evidero.de/kundalini-ist-yoga-der-bewusstheit
[10] – https://www.sat1.at/themen/fit-gesund/news/kundalini-yoga-anfaenger-innen-uebungen-fuer-deine-yogapraxis-51988
[11] – https://www.yoga-infos.de/index.php/hintergrund/was-ist-kundalini-yoga/informationen-fuer-yoga-anfaenger
[12] – https://www.yogaeasy.de/artikel/singen-schwingen-gluecklich-sein
[13] – https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Kundalini_Yoga_Einf%C3%BChrung
[14] – https://www.yoga-infos.de/index.php/hintergrund/kundalini-energie
[15] – http://www.yoga-vidya.de/kundalini-yoga/kundalini-erweckung/mond-energie/
[16] – https://www.stern.de/panorama/wissen/yoga–die-sieben-chakren-und-ihre-bedeutung-fuer-die-gesundheit-33118526.html
[17] – https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/7._Chakra
[18] – https://kundaliniresearchinstitute.org/de/wissenschaftliche-studien-bestaetigen-den-nutzen-von-kundalini-yoga/
[19] – https://www.yogaeasy.de/artikel/sieben-auf-einen-streich
[20] – https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Sieben_Chakren
[21] – https://www.superyogas.de/alles-ueber-yoga/die-sieben-chakren/
[22] – https://www.stiftungsindex.de/kundalini/kundalini-yoga/

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