- Introduction
- Masaru Emoto's path to water crystal research
- The science behind water ice crystals
- Influence of emotions and thoughts on water
- Criticism and controversy
- Conclusions and effects on everyday life
1. introduction
Emotions play an essential role, not only in our daily interactions, but also in the way they can influence our purchasing behavior [1]. What is even more fascinating is Masaru Emoto's discovery that water can exhibit different vibrations or frequencies, which become visible through the structure of its crystals. These vibrations provide information about the energy and information level of the water [2]. As it turns out, the symmetry, regularity and beauty of water crystals can be an indication of a good level of energy information [2].
These findings open up a new perspective on the relationship between human consciousness and the physical world. In this article, we will dive deep into Emoto's water crystal research, examine the science behind the stunning images of water ice crystals and explore the influence of emotions and thoughts on water. The criticism and controversy surrounding this research will also be explored. Prepare to discover the fascinating world of Emoto water crystals and understand their potential impact on our everyday lives [2].
2 Masaru Emoto's path to water crystal research
Masaru Emoto, born in 1943 and died in 2014, was a Japanese researcher in the field of parascience [3]. His academic background was in political science with a focus on international relations, which he studied at the City University of Yokohama [3]. His path to water crystal research began when he learned about the physical-chemical phenomenon of water-molecule clustering in the USA and became involved with magnetic field resonance analysis technology [3].
Emoto's research interest focused on how water can absorb and store information from thoughts and emotions. He conducted experiments in which bottled water was labeled with positive or negative messages before being frozen, photographed and the resulting ice crystals evaluated based on aesthetic-morphological criteria. Emoto claimed that water with positive messages forms complete crystals, while negative messages lead to incomplete crystal formations [3].
In addition to his experiments, Emoto founded and led several organizations, including the International Hado Membership (IHM), Office Masaru Emoto, LLC, the Emoto Peace Project Foundation, Wise Crystal and the International Water for Life Foundation. These organizations were dedicated to researching water and its importance to human consciousness, as well as disseminating his findings [3].

3. the science behind water ice crystals
Water consists of a negatively charged oxygen atom (O) and two positively charged hydrogen atoms (H) [7]. In a liquid or gaseous state, these molecules can move freely in space [7]. When the temperature drops and water freezes, the individual water molecules bind together in a very symmetrical way and form hexagonal structures that grow into a three-dimensional hexagonal lattice [7]. This structure is known as the "hexagonal crystal system" [7].
- Formation of ice crystals:
- A group of 475 water molecules can form an ice crystal, which is less than the previously assumed 1000 molecules [7].
- The freezing point of water depends on its purity and cleanliness [7].
- Distilled water can remain in a liquid state down to -70 degrees Celsius without forming ice crystals [7].
- Impurities in water can serve as crystallization nuclei, causing water to freeze at higher temperatures [7].
- Ice crystals can take on different shapes and sizes due to overlaps, from simple plates or prisms to complex, branched ice flowers or snowflakes [7].
- Influence of bacteria:
- The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research discovered that certain bacteria can influence the order and dynamics of water molecules in water droplets, leading to the formation of ice crystals at temperatures as high as 0°C or slightly below [8].
- This effect is due to protein molecules on the surface of the bacteria [8].
- The specific bacteria involved in this process are Pseudomonas syringae, which can trigger ice formation at -2°C, significantly higher than the -15°C normally required for ice formation with mineral dust or soot as condensation nuclei [8].
- Research by Masaru Emoto:
- Emoto's research suggests that water can store information and respond to various stimuli such as words, music and emotions [4].
- Positive words and feelings lead to beautiful, symmetrical water crystals, while negative ones lead to distorted and chaotic structures [4].
- Positive emotions, words or music resulted in aesthetically pleasing, symmetrical crystals, while negative emotions, words or music led to asymmetrical and less appealing formations [6].
These findings underline the complexity and sensitivity of water in relation to physical conditions and external stimuli.
4. influence of emotions and thoughts on water
Masaru Emoto himself described his work as a new form of art, not as science or religion [3]. This perspective opens the door to a deeper understanding of how emotions and thoughts can influence water. The following points highlight the influence of emotions and thoughts on water:
- Reactions of water to emotions:
- Positive intentions, such as love and gratitude, lead to beautiful, complex and colorful crystals [10].
- Negative intentions, such as harsh words or heavy metal music, result in incomplete, asymmetrical and gray crystals [10].
- Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen, an Austrian scientist who was initially skeptical of Emoto's ideas, became a close collaborator of Emoto's after a meeting in the early 2000s. He now researches the variability of human heart rates and the properties of water [9]. Gaupp-Berghausen believes that water responds to attention and feelings, not thoughts or intentions, and sees the world as an ongoing energetic entanglement, with water being the key to understanding this phenomenon [9].
- Experimental observations:
- An experiment with two glasses of rice, one treated with love and compliments, the other with hate and insults, shows that the "hate" rice shows signs of spoilage, while the "love" rice remains unchanged [4].
- Emoto's research confirms the power of thoughts and emotions on water, encouraging many to adopt practices of positive thinking and emotional wellbeing [13].
- Recommendations for the use of water:
- To benefit from the positive energy of water, Emoto recommended consuming high-quality, pure water and engaging in positive affirmations, motivational self-talk and nature-related activities [14].
- Emoto's experiments can be replicated with a simple, long-term test using two airtight containers, water and rice. By exposing one container to positive energy and the other to negative energy, changes in the state of the rice can be observed over time [14].
These insights emphasize the importance of positive energy and encourage kindness towards oneself and others [15]. Emoto's research suggests that water reacts differently to different types of music and words [16]which emphasizes the profound connection between our emotions, thoughts and the physical world in which we live.
5. criticism and controversy
Masaru Emoto's hypotheses and research have sparked widespread debate and criticism within the scientific community. The main points of criticism can be summarized as follows:
- Scientific validity:
- Lack of scientific supportEmoto's hypotheses are not supported by the scientific community and are considered pseudoscience [3].
- Lack of empirical evidenceCritics emphasize that Emoto's claims about the memory of water and the effects of messages on water crystals lack scientific evidence [3][16].
- Inconsistency with physical lawsEmoto's experiments are criticized because they disregard the laws of physics and cannot be replicated [17].
- Marketing and commercial use:
- Use in marketing campaignsDespite the lack of scientific evidence, Emoto's claims have been used in marketing campaigns for water-related products [3].
- Legal disputes: In one case, a German court prohibited Rayonex from claiming that its devices could structure water based on Emoto's unproven theories [3].
- Rejection by experts:
- Criticism from researchersThomas Elsässer, researcher at the Max Born Institute in Berlin, and Bernd Kröplin, professor at the University of Stuttgart, were critical of Emoto's results, emphasizing that they are not reproducible [16].
- Offer of the James Randi Educational FoundationIn 2003, the James Randi Educational Foundation offered Emoto 1 million dollars to reproduce his study results in a double-blind experiment, a challenge he did not accept [3].
These criticisms highlight concerns about the scientific basis of Emoto's work and raise questions about the reliability and validity of his research findings.
6 Conclusions and implications for everyday life
Looking back at Masaru Emoto's extensive research and the fascinating world of water crystals, it becomes clear how profound the relationship between emotions, thoughts and water can be. Emoto's experiments, although controversial and not fully recognized by science, shed new light on the possible interaction between human consciousness and the physical nature of water. They remind us of the potential power of positive thoughts and the importance of water as the basic element of life. It is a dialog between science, art and spirituality that continues to raise questions and provoke thought.
Given the criticism and controversy surrounding Emoto's work, there remains a space for further research and verification of his hypotheses. The debate about the scientific nature of his methods and results points to the need to explore the limits of understanding water and its interaction with human consciousness with an open mind, but also with critical skepticism. In this sense, I take the suggestion for further investigations and experimental confirmations as a decisive step towards deepening our knowledge and possibly gaining new insights into the mysteries of water.
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[1] – https://unipub.uni-graz.at/obvugrhs/content/titleinfo/217075/full.pdf
[2] – https://misterwater.eu/wasserkristallbilder-nach-masaru-emoto/
[3] – https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masaru_Emoto
[4] – https://www.wmn.de/health/psychologie/dr-emoto-experiment-saetze-niemals-sagen-a-a-id24645
[5] – https://www.flaska.de/strukturierung-des-wassers/pioniere-der-wasserforschung/dr-masaru-emoto
[6] – https://www.egofm.de/radiowelt/kann-wasser-emotionen-spuren
[7] – https://www.wissenschaft-im-dialog.de/projekte/wieso/artikel/beitrag/warum-bilden-sich-beim-gefrieren-von-wasser-eiskristalle/
[8] – https://www.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/27625/PM2016-12
[9] – https://www.carpediem.life/a/masaru-emoto
[10] – https://ninchenmozzrbeat.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/gedanken-und-gefuhle-verandern-die-wasserstruktur/
[11] – https://unipub.uni-graz.at/obvugrhs/download/pdf/8653193?originalFilename=true
[12] – https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/479/publikationen/texte_87-2020_veraenderungen_beruehren_alle_-_die_rolle_von_emotionen_in_nachhaltigkeitstransformationen.pdf
[13] – https://www.lichtkreis.at/wissenswelten/wasser-wissen/wasserged%C3%A4chtnis/
[14] – https://sanquell.de/wasserkristalle/
[15] – https://de.moonsisters.com/blogs/nieuws/emoto-de-invloed-van-energie-op-water
[16] – https://www.stern.de/panorama/wissen/natur/wasserforschung–wasser-ist-sehr–sehr-vergesslich–3267886.html
[17] – https://ulrikeduke.de/die-macht-unserer-gedanken-und-gefuehle-dr-masaru-emotos-eiskristalle/