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GardenShaman.eu BLOG Grandma's home remedies for coughs and sore throats

From the garden to relief: Grandma's home remedies for coughs and sore throats with home-grown herbs

  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing the right herbs
  3. Step-by-step instructions for ribwort cough syrup
  4. Tips for harvesting and storing herbs
  5. Additional home remedy recipes

1. introduction

At a time when mild colds, coughs and sore throats are common, many still turn to grandma's home remedies for coughs, thanks to their effective and natural healing powers[1]. Thyme, ribwort plantain and ivy, known for their support with the Combating bronchitisare often at the center of these proven means[1].
These herbs, which can be used as teas, inhalations or tinctures, are not only beneficial for the Relief from cold symptoms helpful, but also offer a natural alternative to medical treatments[1]. By learning to harvest and use them correctly, we can find ways to support our health in a gentle way[1].

2. choosing the right herbs

For the relief of Cough and sore throat certain herbs are particularly effective. Choosing the right herbs is crucial to achieve the best results:

  • Expectorant herbs:
    • Mullein (flowers) [1]
    • Thyme (herb) [1]
    • Ribwort plantain (herb) [1]
    • Hyssop (herb) [1]
    • Daisies (fresh flowers) [1]
    • Aniseed (fruits) [1]
  • Herbs for a sore throat:
    • Camomile (flowers) [1]
    • Sage (herb) [1]
    • Mint (herb) [1]
    • Thyme (herb) [1]
    • Ribwort plantain (herb) [1]
  • Antibacterial herbs:
    • Sage (herb) [1]
    • Rosemary (herb) [1]
    • Mint (herb) [1]
    • Ribwort plantain (herb) [1]
    • Hyssop (herb) [1]
    • Chamomile (herb) [1]

These herbs can be used in various forms, such as teas, tinctures or inhalations, to effectively treat coughs and sore throats.

3. step-by-step instructions for ribwort cough syrup

Ribwort cough syrup: step-by-step instructions

  1. Recipe variant 1 - cooking method:
    • Ingredients: Ribwort leaves, thyme sprigs, water, honey [6].
    • Instructions:
      • Finely chop the ribwort plantain and thyme leaves [6].
      • Soak in water and add honey [6].
      • Heat the mixture, then leave to cool [6].
      • Filter and store in a clean container [6].
  2. Recipe variant 2 - cold preparation:
    • Ingredients: Ribwort leaves, sugar or honey, lemon juice, water [6].
    • Instructions:
      • Cut ribwort leaves and prepare in layers with sugar or honey [6].
      • Leave to infuse for two months, then heat gently [6].
      • Add lemon juice and water, filter and store [6].
  3. Ribwort honey recipe:
    • Ingredients: 500g honey, a large handful of ribwort leaves [7].
    • Instructions:
      • Wash and cut the ribwort leaves [7].
      • Cover with honey in a jar and leave to infuse for 4-6 weeks [7].
      • Then strain and store in a clean container [7].

These instructions enable you to make effective home remedies for coughs and sore throats using ribwort, one of the most important medicinal herbs for these ailments.

4. tips for harvesting and storing herbs

Early harvesting and proper storage are crucial to preserving the healing powers of herbs for coughs and sore throats. Here are some tips:

  • Harvest time:
    • Ideally, herbs such as thyme, basil, chives and lemon balm should be harvested before they flower in order to preserve their full flavor and aromatic oils [10].
    • Herbs such as oregano, curry herb, marjoram, savory, lemon balm and hyssop develop their best flavor when they are harvested at the beginning of the flowering season [10].
    • For most herbs, the best time to harvest is in the morning between 9 and 10 a.m. to preserve the aroma [10].
  • Storage methods:
    • Drying: Suitable for intensely flavored herbs such as oregano or rosemary. Hang them upside down in a dark room or spread them out on a grid. Once dry, chop up [8].
    • Freeze: Ideal for water-rich herbs such as basil, parsley or thyme. Wash, dry, chop, portion and pack [8].
    • Insert: Produces herbal oils, syrups or pestos for versatile use [8].
  • Storage:
    • Keep only the amount of herbs that will be used within 12 months to maintain effectiveness [11].
    • Glass containers are ideal as they do not react with other substances or release harmful chemicals [11]. Avoid plastic containers as they can react with vegetable oils and other substances [11].

5. additional home remedy recipes

In addition to ribwort plantain, other Medicinal plants effective relief for coughs and sore throats. Here are additional home remedy recipes based on the most important medicinal plants:

  • Sage tea[14]:
    • Preparation: Bring water to the boil, add sage leaves and leave to infuse for at least ten minutes. Drink warm to soothe a sore throat and achieve an antibacterial effect.
  • Onion juice[13]:
    • Preparation: Finely chop an onion and place in a container. Add two tablespoons of honey or 150 g of raw sugar. Leave to infuse for at least five hours, ideally overnight. Squeeze the onion and collect the juice. If you have a cough, take a teaspoon every hour.
  • Ginger tea[14]:
    • Preparation: Peel and chop the ginger and leave to infuse in hot water for at least ten minutes. This tea helps to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.

These recipes use the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of their ingredients to effectively treat coughs and sore throats.

Further questions and answers about home remedies

Which herbs can help with coughs and sore throats?

The following herbs can be used to soothe a sore throat:

  • Camomile blossoms
  • Sage herb
  • Mint herb
  • Thyme herb
  • Ribwort plantain

Which herbs are particularly effective in soothing coughs?

Thyme and ivy are particularly effective in soothing coughs. They not only help to calm the urge to cough, but also to loosen the cough. Thyme also has an antispasmodic effect that relaxes the bronchial tubes. An infusion of these herbs, possibly sweetened with honey, is recommended.

What are the best measures against sore throats and coughs?

Five effective tips against sore throats and coughs:

  • Sucking sweets or pastilles to stimulate saliva production and moisten the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep the mucous membranes moist, provided there are no medical concerns.
  • Gargle to cleanse and soothe the mucous membranes.
  • Protect the throat by minimizing the strain on the voice.
  • Keep the neck warm to avoid additional irritation.

Is rosemary effective in treating coughs?

Yes, rosemary is antibacterial due to its strong essential oils and can be helpful for colds such as colds, coughs and sore throats. Inhalations with rosemary can be particularly beneficial. Dried rosemary also has a long shelf life.


Wolf-Dieter Storl - Herbal teas as remedies and stimulants


[1] – https://www.krautundrueben.de/hausmittel-diese-kraeuter-lindern-husten-halsweh-und-fieber-2123
[2] – https://www.zentrum-der-gesundheit.de/krankheiten/infektionskrankheiten/grippe-erkaeltung/kraeuter-gegen-erkaeltung
[3] – https://bad-heilbrunner.de/welt-der-kraeuter/blog/halsweh-tees-kraeuter-und-natuerliche-hausmittel/
[4] – https://www.avogel.ch/de/ihre-gesundheit/tipps/husten/heilpflanzen.php
[5] – https://almsinn.at/heimische-kraeuter-bei-husten-und-erkaeltung/
[6] – https://www.mein-schoener-garten.de/lifestyle/gesund-leben/hustensaft-selber-machen-32171
[7] – https://mein-kraeuterkeller.de/spitzwegerich-hustensaft
[8] – https://www.proplanta.de/ratgeber/ernaehrung/kraeuter-tipps-zum-anbau-ernte-lagerung_tipps1557412331.html
[9] – https://www.plantura.garden/kraeuter/kraeuter-anbauen/kraeuter-ernten
[10] – https://www.krautundrueben.de/kraeuter-trocknen-und-richtig-aufbewahren-unsere-biogarten-welt
[11] – https://www.wiesenwohl.de/heilkraeuter-richtig-aufbewahren/
[12] – https://blog.sonnenkind.ch/spitzwegerich-hustensirup/
[13] – https://www.hna.de/verbraucher/grippe-gesundheit-hausmittel-oma-top-vier-rezepte-husten-halsschmerzen-erkaeltung-zr-92765446.html
[14] – https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/Erkaeltung-mit-Husten-und-Schnupfen-Diese-Hausmittel-helfen,erkaeltung196.html
[15] – https://www.muenchener-verein.de/ratgeber/gesundheit/hausmittel-bei-erkaeltung/

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