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GardenShaman.eu BLOG Mount Shasta

The unexplained phenomena of Mount Shasta: An in-depth investigation

  1. Introduction
  2. The legends of the aborigines
  3. Lemuria and the hidden city of Telos
  4. UFO sightings and lenticular clouds
  5. Bigfoot, the guardian of the forest
  6. Personal experiences and spiritual seekers

1. introduction

Mount Shasta, a stand-alone mountain in Northern California with an elevation of 14,162 feet, rises more than 10,000 feet above the surrounding valley and attracts attention not only with its impressive appearance, but also with a variety of legends and modern beliefs. From Bigfoot sightings to descendants of Atlantis living in the mountain, UFOs refueling on the summit to a magnetic force that emotionally captivates people, Mount Shasta is surrounded by an aura of mystery and the paranormal [1]. This singular presence and volcanic activity in the past have not only led to the development of numerous Legends and beliefs but the mountain is also considered a sacred site for various indigenous tribes, who regard it as the embodiment of the Creator [1][3].

In search of spiritual experiences, Mount Shasta attracts visitors looking for a transformative experience. From guided vision quests, shamanic awakening processes, energy vortex visits to crystal gathering, companies like Shasta Vortex Adventures offer these unique spiritual tours. The town of Mount Shasta itself has transformed from a conservative logging town to a spiritual destination, encouraged by America's spiritual resurgence in the 1960s and the beginning of the environmental movement [1][3]. Mount Shasta's diverse spiritual community and rich history make it a fascinating destination for those looking to explore the unexplainable.

2. the legends of the aborigines

  • Native tribes and their sacred beliefs:
  1. The Klamath and Skell: The Klamath believe that Skell, the spirit chief, has descended from heaven to the summit of Mount Shasta [4]. Skell fought against the spirit of the underworld, Llao, who resided on Mount Mazama [4]. These legends were recorded by Joaquin Miller in the 1870s [4].
  2. The Winnemem Wintu: Mount Shasta is considered sacred by the Winnemem Wintu tribe [6]. Panther Meadows, a meadow below the tree line, is considered to be their place of creation [7]. Annual renewal ceremonies are held at the spring above Panther Meadows, where medicine people receive messages from the spring through tobacco induced trances [7].
  3. Creation stories and rituals: The Shasta believe that the Great Spirit created the mountain by throwing ice and snow through a hole in the sky to rise to earth and create trees, sun, rivers, birds, fish and animals [7]. The Modoc share a similar creation story and believe that the Great Spirit lived on Mount Shasta after the creation of the world [7]. Specific locations on Mount Shasta are used by Native Americans for medicine man and woman training, vision quests, healing and teaching [7].
  • Significance for the indigenous people:
    • The center of creation: Mount Shasta is considered the center of creation for all indigenous peoples in the region [7]. The area around the mountain is rich in plants and natural materials that are used for food and medicine [7].
    • Diverse tribal views: Mount Shasta is sacred to several indigenous tribes, including the Wintu, Karuk, Okwanuchu and Modoc [7]. Each tribe has its own beliefs and legends surrounding the mountain, which underscores Mount Shasta's rich cultural history and deep spiritual significance [7][8].

3. lemuria and the hidden city of telos

The legends of Mount Shasta include fascinating tales of the lost continent of Lemuria and the hidden city of Telos, which grew out of a passing mention in the 1880s [4]. These stories have been developed and refined by various authors and spiritual movements over the years. For example, Frederick Spencer Oliver published "A Dweller on Two Planets" in 1899, which claims that survivors of the sunken continent of Lemuria live in or on Mount Shasta [4]. Harvey Spencer Lewis contributed significantly to the popularity of the legend in 1931 with a book about the hidden Lemurians of Mount Shasta [4]. This belief has been incorporated into numerous occult religions, including "I AM" Activity, The Summit Lighthouse, Church Universal and Triumphant, Love Has Won and Kryon [4].

  • Discovering the underground cityJ. C. Brown, a British prospector, claimed in 1904 to have discovered a lost underground city beneath Mount Shasta. He found a cave that extended 11 miles down, where he discovered an underground village full of gold, shields and mummies, some as large as 10 feet tall [4]. Despite preparing an expedition for further exploration, Brown disappeared without a trace after sharing his discovery with John C. Root 30 years later [4].
  • Spiritual significance and guided toursMount Shasta is considered a spiritual energy point and is believed to house an entrance to the city of Telos, which is part of the larger Inner Earth complex of Agharta [10]. Telos is described as an ancient crystalline Lemurian city that serves as a sanctuary for humans and preserves sacred records, teachings and technologies [10]. Ashalyn, a guide, promotes the Lemurian Agenda and organizes spiritual journeys at Mount Shasta, where participants focus on activating Lemurian Vortexes with the help of Adama, the Overseer [10]. During the guided tour, six Vortexes are activated, including: Vortex of Intention, Crystal Children, the World, People, Renewal and Rebirth [10].

4. UFO sightings and lenticular clouds

Mount Shasta is considered a center for spiritual enlightenment and extraterrestrial presences [5]. One of the most fascinating natural phenomena associated with this mystical mountain are the lenticular clouds that are often seen near Mount Shasta in California [13]. These clouds that UFOs can form under specific weather conditions. These include horizontal winds, moist air, a prominent peak and stable atmospheric conditions [13]. They are particularly common on the volcanoes of the Pacific Northwest, including Mount Shasta, and are usually seen in winter and spring when the winds are strong [13].

  • Lenticular clouds and their confusion with UFOs:
    1. Frequency and conditions: Lenticular clouds have been reported in several locations, including Washington, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Canada and Taiwan [13]. They appear most frequently in the winter and spring months [13].
    2. Online exhibitions: Photos and videos of lenticular clouds can be found in online exhibitions, such as the Sisson Museum's collection [13]. For more information on lenticular clouds, visit the UCAR Center for Science Education website [13].
    3. Confusion with UFOs: In 2020, a lenticular cloud near Mount Shasta was mistaken for a UFO, leading to speculation and prompting the US Forest Service to deny its extraterrestrial origin [6]. Mount Shasta is known for sightings of lenticular clouds, making it a hotspot for alien hunters and conspiracy theories [6].

These extraordinary cloud formations contribute to the mystical aura of Mount Shasta and inspire the imagination of visitors and researchers alike. Although they are natural phenomena, they fascinate with their unusual appearance and the stories that surround them.

5. bigfoot, the guardian of the forest

Mount Shasta is not only known for its spiritual Legends but also for the fascinating stories of Bigfoot, the mysterious guardian of the forest. Here are some interesting facts and observations to pique your curiosity about this legendary creature:

  • Historical background:
    1. The association of the mountain with Bigfoot goes back a long way. Sightings in the area around Mount Shasta can be dated back to the 19th century [14].
    2. Bigfoot sightings became particularly popular in California after a report was published in Bluff Creek, California in 1958 [14].
    3. The incorporation of Bigfoot into local folklore and mythology may have been influenced by cultural and historical factors [14].
  • Habitat and environmental conditions:
    • The belief that the mountain provides an ideal habitat for Bigfoot due to its rugged terrain and dense forests persists [14].
    • Despite the destruction of forests in the Pacific Northwest by clearcutting and infestation by the mountain pine beetle, there is no scientific evidence of the existence of Bigfoot in these forests [14].
  • Mystical creatures and legends:
    • Mount Shasta is known for various mysterious and mystical creatures, including Bigfoot, which adds to the fascination and mystery surrounding this place [5].

These observations and legends surrounding Bigfoot on Mount Shasta contribute to the mystical and mysterious atmosphere that surrounds the mountain. Although there is no scientific proof of the existence of Bigfoot, the idea of such a creature in the dense forests of Mount Shasta remains an intriguing topic for locals and visitors alike [14].

6. personal experiences and spiritual seekers

Mount Shasta has been attracting spiritual seekers since the 19th century and is considered sacred by over 100 New Age groups. These groups identify the mountain as a source of Harmonya UFO landing site, an entrance to the fifth dimension, a source of magical crystals and one of the Seven Sacred Mountains [7]. Particularly noteworthy is the Rainbow Family, which has been gathering on Mount Shasta since the 1970s to pray, dance, sing and hold drum circles [7]. Despite the deep spiritual connection many feel with the mountain, the Wintu, indigenous inhabitants of the region, have expressed concern over the lack of respect shown by some New Age devotees for their sacred sites and have demanded that the Rainbow Family leave the mountain and future gatherings there be banned [7].

The personal experiences of those who visit Mount Shasta are varied and profound. Many report encounters with spiritual beings or entities [8][15] and describe a strong sense of connection to nature and the universe [8][15]. There are reports of increased intuition, psychic abilities and a sense of inner peace [8][15]. Some visitors experience spiritual awakenings or profound realizations about their purpose in life [8][15]. In addition, the mountain's crystal-clear water, which some believe has healing properties, attracts visitors [8][15].

For those who would like to explore the spiritual side of Mount Shasta, there are numerous guided tours and Workshops available [8][15]. The tours focus on visiting sacred sites, meditation and times of silence to help individuals connect with their inner self [3]. Andrew Ossur, a spiritual guide, offers customized private retreats and sacred site tours around Mount Shasta that integrate meditation, life coaching and hiking [3]. Although there is no scientific evidence to support the spiritual experiences on Mount Shasta, the natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere of the mountain remains a popular destination for those seeking relaxation and reflection [8].

Further questions and answers about Mount Shasta

What makes Mount Shasta so extraordinary?
Mount Shasta, an ice-covered volcano in northern California, is a magnet for outdoor enthusiasts and people on a spiritual quest. It is surrounded by myths and legends ranging from sacred springs and supernatural beings to an underground crystal city that supposedly once housed inhabitants of Atlantis.

What is hidden inside Mount Shasta?
A mysterious city is said to be located beneath the peaks of Mount Shasta. The lore varies: Some say the city is abandoned, others claim it is inhabited by a technologically advanced civilization made up of either humans or mythical beings.

Why is Mount Shasta considered a spiritual place?
The indigenous peoples of America revere Mount Shasta as a sacred place and see it as the center of the universe. Some legends even say that the mountain is one of the most sacred places of all and serves as the home of the Creator. It is surrounded by the territories of various tribes.

How old is Mount Shasta?
The magmatic system that makes up Mount Shasta has been developing continuously for around 590,000 years. However, the original volcanic cone was almost completely destroyed around 300,000 years ago by a massive volcanic eruption and subsequent landslide. Today, only a small part of the original structure can still be seen on the western side of the stratovolcano.


The mysteries of Mount Shasta (English)


[1] – https://slate.com/technology/2015/07/mount-shasta-new-age-spiritualism-bigfoot-ufos-yaktavians-telos-and-ascended-masters.html
[2] – https://www.fernsehserien.de/ancient-aliens-unerklaerliche-phaenomene/folgen/13×05-das-mysterium-um-mount-shasta-1496544
[3] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eofm1fmaKZQ
[4] – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legends_of_Mount_Shasta
[5] – https://wilderland.media/blog/ufos-bigfoot-and-other-mysteries-mount-shastas-magical-atmosphere
[6] – https://bigthink.com/hard-science/ufo-sightings-why-mount-shasta-is-the-new-roswell/
[7] – https://www.vergleichende-mythologie.de/streit-um-mount-shasta/
[8] – https://www.tripadvisor.ca/ShowTopic-g32755-i1973-k7438699-Sacred_sites_Mount_Shasta-Mount_Shasta_California.html
[9] – https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/the-lemurian-legend.143053/
[10] – https://www.shastavortex.com/a-lemurian-adventure-in-mt-shasta/
[11] – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3qjGeNXS1U
[12] – https://spirit-online.de/mount-shasta-kalifornien-reisebericht-von-barbara-bessen.html
[13] – https://www.redding.com/story/news/2023/02/01/lenticular-clouds-volcanoes-mount-shasta-california-tourism-ufo-aliens/69851055007/
[14] – https://mountshastamyths.com/2023/12/19/bigfoot-and-mount-shasta/
[15] – https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g32755-i1973-k7438699-o10-Sacred_sites_Mount_Shasta-Mount_Shasta_California.html

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