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GardenShaman.eu BLOG Kai Muegge Mügge physical medium Julia Mügge

Kai Muegge and the world of physical mediumship: an overview

  1. Introduction
  2. The importance of physical mediality
  3. Kai Muegge's path to physical mediumship
  4. Known phenomena and experiences
  5. The scientific perspective of Dr. Eckhard Kruse
  6. The importance for spiritual development

1. introduction

Physical mediumship, characterized by observable manifestations such as telekinesis, levitation and materialization, has fascinated people since its heyday between 1890 and 1930, when it gained popularity through numerous mediums and scientific investigations. Kai Muegge is a modern protagonist in this extraordinary arena, arousing the curiosity of skeptics and believers with phenomena such as poltergeist, ectoplasm and apports, which are part of parapsychological, spiritual guidance and séances. Despite skepticism and the exposure of frauds, the story of Kai Muegge and his Felix Experimental Group, as well as the work of other well-known mediums such as Warren Caylor and Gary Mannion, illuminates the enduring mystery and genuine fascination of physical mediumship that is not easily denied [1].

This in-depth report not only explores Kai Muegge's path to physical mediumship and known phenomena, but also sheds light on the scientific perspective of Dr. Eckhard Kruse and the importance of physical mediumship for spiritual development. By examining apportation, table-turning and the sessions of the Basel Psi Association, this article offers a comprehensive look at physical mediumship, its challenges and its potential to promote a deeper understanding of human consciousness and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration [2].

2 The importance of physical mediality

Physical mediumship allows the spirit world to transmit and extract energies through the medium, resulting in phenomena that can be perceived by all persons present. These phenomena include transfiguration, movement of objects and other phenomena such as Ouija board, glass moving, table moving, planchette and telekinesis [4]. Ectoplasm, a substance produced by some physical mediums in a trance state, serves as a medium for spiritual entities to interact with the physical world [6].

Physical mediumship develops over time in a home circle, often over 10-20 years, and requires a medium with the appropriate physical attributes. During séances, physical mediums enter an altered state of consciousness, often a deep trance [5]. Phenomena in physical mediumship include the movement of objects, temperature changes, lightning-like manifestations of light and spiritual communication through speech or sound [6].

Critical evaluation is essential when dealing with these phenomena, as they are often caused by people and their energies, which are influenced by unconscious desires or intentions [4]. Physical mediumship can take place under various lighting conditions, including darkness and red light, and often involves chanting. It acts as a bridge to a more holistic social development, complementing the technical-rational orientation and serving as an eye-opener for those who think within a materialistic paradigm [6].

3 Kai Muegge's path to physical mediumship

Kai Muegge began exploring the "night side of nature" at the age of 12 after experiencing disturbing poltergeist phenomena in the family of two schoolmates. These early experiences shaped his path and led him to learn and apply various techniques such as hypnosis, meditation and non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Later in his career, Muegge worked therapeutically with people experiencing poltergeist activity and experimented with instrumental transcommunication, trance and physical mediumship. The interdisciplinary clearing method he developed and the founding of the "Felix Experimental Group" in 2005 enabled him to produce fascinating phenomena in the field of physical mediumship and healing.

In addition to his practical work, Muegge has also published articles on poltergeist activities, PSI experiments and UAPs (Unknown Air/Atmosphere Phenomena) in specialist journals and on various websites [7]. His contributions and the organization of séances, such as the upcoming event in Basel organized by the Basel Psi Association, help to further deepen the interest and understanding of the field of physical mediumship [8].

4. known phenomena and experiences

Kai Muegge is known for his séances manifesting the autonomous, interconnected intelligence of the spirit world and conveying a cosmic message for humanity [10]. These séances take place in darkness, which is necessary for occult phenomena to occur, and they are not based on religious beliefs but on the exploration of the paranormal. Ectoplasm, a substance that can take on different textures and forms, is used for materializations [11].

Not everyone can become a physical medium, but a certain sensitivity is required. It is not recommended to take photos or videos during the séances as this may disturb the experience for the participants. Kai Muegge's séances do not aim to provide proof of life after death, but to address global, cosmic and human issues [11]. They can take place outdoors, but the energy required for higher phenomena is better achieved indoors [12].

Physical mediumship has a long tradition and experienced its heyday from around 1890 to 1930 [12]. It involves a medium in a trance state making contact with the deceased or spiritual entities in a darkened room to convey messages or demonstrate their presence. Other mediums such as Mychael Shane and Warren Caylor have also demonstrated impressive phenomena, such as producing stones from the mouth despite a taped mouth and secured limbs or demonstrating spirit voices in the room [9].

5 The scientific perspective of Dr. Eckhard Kruse

Dr. Eckhard Kruse, a physicist and researcher, has studied physical mediumship extensively, particularly phenomena such as séances that involve spiritual or supernatural contact. He emphasizes the importance of observing and accepting unexplained phenomena without jumping to conclusions or immediately dismissing them. Dr. Kruse promotes a scientific approach that requires careful observation and an open mind when exploring physical mediumship [9].

In his research, Dr. Kruse has attended séances by Kai Mügge, Mychael Shane and Warren Caylor, where he observed various phenomena such as ectoplasm, materializations and spirit voices [9]. He has also studied the role of ambiguity tolerance in scientific research, especially in the field of physical mediality, where researchers have to deal with unclear information and contradictions.

Dr. Kruse has conducted experiments with various sensors and devices to record and analyze séance phenomena such as movement, temperature, humidity, pressure, light, sound, heart rate and weight. He has researched the collaboration between mediums, sitters and spirit teams during séances and emphasized the importance of teamwork in these situations [13].

6 The importance for spiritual development

Spiritual development through physical mediumship often begins with practical exercises, such as working with the Ouija board, table séances and introduction to trance work with practical exercises. These activities serve not only to develop mediumistic skills, but also to deepen understanding and connection with the spiritual world. Sitting in the cabinet, a traditional method used in séances, helps mediums to deepen their connection to the spiritual and hone their abilities [3].

The role of a medium is often seen as a calling and a responsibility that guides a person on their spiritual path. This responsibility includes an understanding of energy, the power of thoughts and words, and eternal laws that are crucial to the development of mediumship. The development of a medium is supported by spiritual guides and requires hard work, understanding and integration of these aspects into daily life [14].

Learning trance mediumship is another important step that allows a medium to synchronize with the spiritual realm and establish a deeper connection. This training involves letting go of control and trusting spiritual guides, which makes the trance state a catalyst for spiritual development [15]. Through continued practice and training with a competent teacher, these skills can be further developed and honed, ultimately increasing responsibility as working with spiritual energies and information must be handled carefully [16].

Kai Felix Mügge - Physical mediality (German)

Further links

  • https://kaimuegge.com/
  • https://one-mind.net/spirit-im-felix-circle-materialisiert-sich-und-spricht-zum-aktuellen-weltgeschehen/
  • https://www.bpv.ch/veranstaltungen/499-seance-mit-kai-mugge-vom-felix-circle/
  • https://www.eckhardkruse.net/index.html


[1] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/Physikalischer-Mediumismus/
[2] – http://www.eckhardkruse.net/physmed/index.html
[3] – https://www.spiritandcircle.at/tisch-u-kabinett-seance-in-st-florian-am-inn/workshop-grundlagen-der-physikalischen-medialit%C3%A4t/
[4] – https://www.andyschwab.com/de/Wissenswertes/Physikalische-Medialitaet.136.html
[5] – https://thephoenixcircle.nl/de/physikalische-medialitat
[6] – https://levitationcircle.net/physikalische-medialitaet/
[7] – https://vimeo.com/17524013
[8] – https://www.facebook.com/events/basler-psi-verein/s%C3%A9ance-mit-kai-m%C3%BCgge-physikalische-medialit%C3%A4t-basel/491282361742047/
[9] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/physikalische-medialitae-zu-unglaublich/
[10] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/kai-muegge-medialitaet-physikalisch/
[11] – https://www.kaimuegge.de/faq/
[12] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/tag/Physikalische%20Medialit%C3%A4t/
[13] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/forschung-zur-physikalischen-medialitat-gary-mannion-von-prof-dr-eckhard-kruse/
[15] – https://www.bpv.ch/blog/trancemedialitaet-andy-schwab/

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